Thursday, November 17, 2011

You Can't Rush Perfection

Patiently waiting on me...
So I write a lot  maybe too much about how amazing JM is, and how lucky I am to have met him. And I started to touch on this a couple days ago, but I never went completely into the story...I know I know, get to it already huh? Well, last weekend when we were kidless, JM and I both felt pretty miserable (not because we were kidless, but because we had terrible colds). I woke up Friday morning with a head full of..well ya know. And things just kept getting progressively worse as the weekend went on. Saturday I mustered up as much energy as I could to watch the Michigan game with my perfect boyfriend, but I kept getting up from the bar every five minutes to go blow my nose (pretty, I know). By the end of Saturday, I was D-U-N done! As soon as we got home from dinner that night, I was ready for bed. JM drugged me with cold meds and I was fast asleep by 9:30. Sunday morning proved to be just as torturous. I woke up at 8am, watched a few episodes of Friends, and then tuned into LMN until 2pm. During the four-hour movie on lmn, I whined to JM about my nose, my cough, my sore throat, and my hunger pains. He was soooo loving the whole time...running to get groceries, more cold meds, lunch, etc...all the while putting up with my pathetic moaning and groaning about my "terrrrrrrible cold" (which he also had!).
We've all heard and loathed the old saying that good things come to those who wait. Well, as cliche as it is, it's true. I never in my life thought I'd find someone as amazingly perfect as JM, but I met "the one" and I thank my lucky stars for him everyday!

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