Saturday, November 5, 2011

Oh to be a fly on the wall...

I'm just now getting around to writing this, but I have to share the conversation the kids and I had first thing Tuesday morning. It went something like this:

Lilly: Mom! It's November today!
Me: Yep!
Lilly: What happens in November? Referring to what holidays are in November.
Me: Just Thanksgiving.
Lilly (screaming): NO! I HATE TURKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Well, sometimes we have ham at Thanksgiving too. You like ham!
Lilly: Uncle Adam said he's not having ham at his house.
Me: Well, should we just cancel Thanksgiving then?
Lilly (still on the verge of tears): Yes!
Me (in my practiced announcer voice): I HEREBY DECLARE, THANKSGIVING OF 2011 IS OFFICIALLY CANCELED!
Enter Anderson, just waking up, hair all amuck, eyes barely open.
Anderson (crying): Buuuuut IIIIIIII LOOOOOVE Thanksgivinnnnnnnggggggg. (Imagine the worst whining sound ever.)
Me: Anderson! I was just kidding! I can't really cancel Thanksgiving.
Lilly (now in hysterics): But I hate turkey!


andrea said...

haha! oh, i love the comment that uncle adam won't allow ham. too funny.

adam said...

LOL! i NEVER said that there would be no ham at thanksgiving! but, she said she would eat it! i guess she'll just have to ask paw paw to bring some ham for her!