Monday, November 7, 2011

Boobs and Poopy

This weekend my kids thought it would be hilarious to add a couple words to their once-innocent vocabulary. Boobs and poopy. First off, let me say, I never really baby talked to my kids. Aaron and I found it repulsive to hear such ridiculousness come from new parents' mouths. All that cutesy baby talk makes me wanna vomit. It's unnecessary and to be quite honest, I feel that by talking to our children as humans, rather than adorable zoo animals, we have actually improved their vocabulary and their comprehension...until now. So we never baby talked to our kids, but perhaps sometimes we should have been more selective with what we talked about and showed them. We never shut the bathroom door at our house-- ever. It's not unusual to be having a conversation with someone who's showering, while the other person is sitting on the toilet. I mean, we all lead a busy life-- we squeeze in conversations whenever possible, right? And since it's usually just me and the kids at home, we all get ready in my bedroom in the mornings. Well, looks like that may have to change soon.
Saturday morning I was getting dressed. I had clothes on, but just jeans and a tank, not a shirt yet, as I was still finishing my normal morning routine. Anderson comes in my bathroom and says "I see your boobs!" and then runs away, laughing hysterically. Two minutes later, Lilly comes in and does the same thing. I was annoyed! I can't have my children talking about my boobs! Later that day, it was the same thing, but with the word poopy instead of boobs. Again, not something I want my kids running around talking about. Oy!
Here's to hoping they don't use those words at school today.

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