Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"Breakfast with us?"

JM is AMAZING for so many reasons, but one of my favorite things about him is that he takes the time to have breakfast with my kids in the morning before he leaves for work. I've mentioned before that he has a two hour drive to whichever campus he's working at for the day, so he usually leaves the house around 6:30am, but some days he squeezes in a few extra minutes to have breakfast with the babies. They are always SO excited to be hanging out with him before he leaves for the day, and I'm excited to be able to shower and get ready without trying to break up early morning sibling feuds!

This morning I stood on the stairs listening to the three of them chat over their bowls of Captain Crunch...It just made me feel extremely blessed to have such an incredible person in my life who my kids love. It truly is the little things in life that mean the most.

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