Friday, November 25, 2011

I Cherish The Time

After the Thanksgiving festivities yesterday, my mom decided to keep Lilly until we all met up again in Chicago for Thanksgiving part deux, on Saturday. Of course I jumped on the chance to be down one kid (hey, everyone needs a break sometimes!), and so Anderson and I were on our way back home, without Lilly. Anderson was missing his sissy before we even got out of Wabash, but I assured him we would do something fun that night. Well, after his coughing progressed to "ew" status, we ended up stopping at Walgreens for some cough medicine and then making our way home to get on warm jammies.
After dinner, Anderson and I cozied up on the couch and watched a movie. I couldn't tell you the last time Anderson sat (still) with me for more than a few minutes. I mean, he is almost FOUR, afterall! But he actually sat on my lap, cuddled up with a blanket, and watched an hour of the movie, before he asked to go to bed (told ya he wasn't feeling well!).
I truly cherish the alone time with each of my kids. It's rare, but when it happens, I just eat it up. They are both SO different. Where Anderson is content sitting at home with a movie and leftovers, Lilly would rather be out and about (pedicure and dinner, for example!). They are such beautiful little blessings, I wouldn't change a thing about either of them.
Thanks mom, for giving me the chance to do this. I love you so much and I know Lilly loves the time with her Nana too! 

1 comment:

adam said...

and lilly and nana are out and about! when i asked lilly what they were going to do she says "um, we're going to get our nails done!" she's so girlie!