Saturday, November 19, 2011

Why can't I...

So I've had my house for over a year and there are still TONS of things I want to do to it. One of the biggest things I want to do is replace the flooring in the kitchen, downstairs bathroom, and entry way. Of course, that's a $1800 project, so I don't see it in my very near future, but...part of the reason I want to change the kitchen is because it feels empty. We had friends over last weekend and Dan asked if we had JUST moved in because the house looked empty! LOL! (In my defense, he only walked from the front door, through the kitchen, and into the garage!) So right now I have a small two-seater table in the kitchen. We never use that table because we usually sit in the dining room, but it's still nice to have the extra seating. I'm really hoping to do something like this:
I've been asking JM to whip something together, but I don't see it happening in the near future either. Until then...I'll just keep hoping! I just wish I could make my house feel "complete". I really love my living room, my master bedroom (which I've still never posted pictures of), and both of my kids' rooms. Those are the rooms where we spend most of our time, of course...but it'd be nice to have the rest of the house finished. I know it's all a work in progress, and I've only been in the house a year, but....I'm a VERY impatient person! I want it done NOW!!!!!!

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