Friday, December 4, 2009

You tell the truth

We've all told lies. It's inevitable. Some justify lying by saying they do it to protect the ones they love. Others are just habitual liars who truly believe their own lies. And then there are those pretentious fibbers who lie to make themselves look better. It's THOSE people who's lives stink sooo much that they have to fabricate stories to hold people's interest. We've all heard the stories from a guy who wrestled an alligator to save a family of four from being eaten. Or the story of the girl who has the most incredible husband who rubs her back every night without expecting "more".....rrrrrrrright! As if HE exists! HA!

I'm not exempt from the tall tales-telling. I've done my share of double-dealing. BUT, in my older years (I'm almost 28, after all!) I'm finding that my real story is good enough. There really is NO need to formulate my own version of reality. My life isn't roses. My kids aren't perfect. My job isn't without flaws. My boyfriend doesn't really think the sun shines from my ass (although he IS mistaken!). My life just isn't perfect. And I really have no need to make it appear as though I have it all together. I don't. And anyone who claims to have all the answers is the biggest frickin' liar of 'em all!


Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better myself! You know, like that one 'nurse' I can't stand...blah, blah, blah.

Kimm said...

LOVE it!

Anonymous said...

wow how do you really feel? So why do you talk about me like this in front of everyone...


Lucky Chance said...

Anonymous...who are you? But you're right...that one "nurse" was outta this world nuts! LOL!

Dad, you're a nerd!!!!

Anonymous said...

hahaa. That one "nurse"!! She was my source of entertainment.I feel lost without her!