Thursday, March 3, 2011


We all define success differently. For some, success is measured by their job. For others it's the car they drive or the square footage of their house. Although we all want to say we aren't "those" people who define success by the things we have, the truth is, we all probably are guilty of this at some point and time.
What we should really take a look at are the relationships we have with other people, the friendships we've made over the years, the job we do as parents, the impact we have on those around us, and the lives we've changed over time. I had a very powerful conversation with a co-worker today. She has a lot of "stuff" going on in her life, with her kids, her job, her husband, and just within her self. By looking at this person, you'd never really know that she has so much "stuff" in her life. Not only is she A-DORABLE, but she almost always pulls everything together with such ease and grace. After talking with this co-worker, I realized something...We all have "stuff" going on in our lives. We all have bad days. We have days that are wonderful. But I really think it's how we pull through each day, that determines our level of success.
To me, a successful day is one with little confrontation from the tots in the morning, a day of little road rage on the way to work, hearing my favorite song (of the week) on the radio, enrolling prospective students during the workday (helping to better his/her life), a chat with an old friend on the phone in the evening, and a solid night of uninterrupted sleep. Sure, my definition of success may change on a daily basis, but regardless of my level of success, ending the day, knowing I'm doing good things for all the right reasons, is successful enough for me.

1 comment:

andrea said...

i like your definition of a successful day! sometimes small things really add up to make us feel successful!