Friday, March 25, 2011


My kidless, carefree, no-stress week is finally coming to an end. I've had a FABULOUS week without my parental duties, but I am very excited to see my babies and get back to reality. Here's a rundown of my fun week, that I won't experience again for another four months...

Saturday: I had lunch and some good beer with my old boss, then went and had a mani/pedi. Later that night I went to Snickers with Derek and his work friends.

Sunday: Woke up early, went to church, spent the majority of the afternoon in jammies, and spent a few hours with Derek, watching basketball.

Monday: Had a very productive workday, and later that night met up with my work family (new and old) for some margaritas at my favorite Mexican eatery, Cebollas.

Tuesday: Had another great day at work, went home and took a two-hour nap. Then I got take-out from my favorite Chinese place, and a bottle of wine. Spent the evening with a co-worker, drinking and laughing into the wee hours of the night!

Wednesday: Spa day. Had a terrible, traumatic spa experience. Pretty sure my ass is bruised from the rubdown and still peeing blood from the kidney massage. Had lunch with my work family and then met up with my old boss for more yummy beer! Stayed out way too late, drank way too much, but enjoyed every minute of it!

Thursday: Slept in, went to the spa for a hair appointment, then had a great day at work. Ended up spending a quiet, relaxing evening with my bestie/neighbor.

Friday: Today has been a GREAT day at work (yet sad, as we say goodbye to one of our favorite ladies and send off Jeff for the weekend). Planning to go out for a margarita after work with the work-fam and then head home to tie up any loose ends before my kiddos come home and destroy my perfectly-tidy abode.

While writing this blog I'm noticing a trend. I spent the week with my work family, drinking and eating, or pampering myself. Overall....a successful and fun week.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Didn't you give up wine for Lent? Just asking...