Wednesday, June 29, 2011

You're scary!

So I've been dating my boyfriend for about four months now. Things are pretty great...better than great, actually! We both work for the same company, and all the coworkers at my campus told us that we should hang out and get to know each other. "Not gonna happen," we had both promised (them, each other, and ourselves). We were like the male/female version of each other; perfectly content in our single, simple lives. Well, one "not-a-date" later we became inseparable. Things have been nearly perfect ever since! We have the most open, honest, and loving communication. JM treats me like gold, he respects me, he adores me, he makes me feel like I'm the most important thing in his world, he does anything to try to keep me happy...and for those of you who know me well, that ain't easy! LOL! Okay, okay, I could go on for hours talking about how great he is, but let me get to the point of this post...

JM has NEVER yelled at me. Never. He's never even slightly raised his voice at me. He is so level-headed and gentle that the thought of him getting upset (at anyone) seems so far-fetched. Well, last night it finally happened (errrr, KINDA). I don't write this to display him as a monster (because that'd be impossible), but rather show how ridiculously nice this man is. Here's what happened:

JM had a long day at work. He has a lot of responsibility with his job and sometimes it gets exhausting, or at least I'd assume it does. Although he never complains about his job and does an amazing job of "leaving it at the office," last night was just one of those nights. I could tell he had a lot on his mind, as he talked about work for awhile before things turned ugly (for us!)! I started in on my normal needy tactics, he wasn't saying the right (enough) things, and I ended up pouting and telling him I needed space. He and I both knew how ridiculous this was, and normally JM would "save us" and swoop me up and tell me how perfect I am and how much he adores me. (Yes, this works for me. Childish? Perhaps!) But tonight was gentle, loving, nurturing boyfriend blurted out:
"You want me to give you space? Well fine! Maybe we both need space. I'm sorry Gretchen, but I'm not going to apologize, I'm sorry. I won't. I'm serious. I'm sorry."
Now, anyone who knows JM knows that this is completely out of character for him. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body. And this argument (or sad, pathetic rant), just further proved how insanely kind my boyfriend really is. In his fit of anger (which lasted a total of 2 minutes), he managed to "not apologize" four times, tell me how pretty I am, tell me how much he adores me, etc. This guy does not have the ability to be mean. He truly is the nicest person in the world!

I know I'm a lucky girl. I know I need to make sure I wake up everyday and try to make HIS day a better day. My normal bratty ways need to vanish. I don't want to push JM to his breaking point (no matter how severe). JM is a true blessing to my life. I feel complete.


g said...

keep going back to this blog!!!

jeff said...
