Friday, July 1, 2011


Happy July 1st, all! When I was telling the kids that it's July already (as though this means ANYTHING to them), I was reminded of my 7th grade English teacher Mrs.Wion. On the first of every month, Mrs.Wion would make a dramatic presentation (complete with tears) about how there had been a death the night before, and a birth that morning. Hmmmm? She was weird.

Last night began the start to a seven-day stay with JM. He's working closer to FTW than usual, so he's able to come to my house after work for the next few workdays. Also, with it being a long holiday weekend, he's staying with us! I'm super excited to have him here, and a little anxious to see how the week will go. I'm a creature of habit, so anything (or anyone) who throws that off, may reap the negative effects of my controlling demeanor. JM reads me really well and knows when I'm needing some attention from AFAR! I'm confident that the next week will be pure (errr, mostly) bliss!

I realized this morning as the kids and I pulled into daycare listening to Ke$ha that I probably don't have the best music selections for my kids all the time. I've never been a big fan of Ke$ha's, but some of her stuff is catchy...just ask Anderson! I know I know, tacky. Bad mom.

The kids leave in a few short weeks for MN. They'll be gone for ten days. I'm nervous because this is the first time they're going there when Aaron and I just blatenly aren't getting along. He's gone days without calling the kids, he's been nothing but nasssty to me, and I've lost all but an ounce of resepect for him (that one ounce being the fact that my mom said I HAD to respect him as the father of my children). It's going to be tough sending them off with him this time, but I have a lot of stuff planned to keep my mind busy...including a weekend getaway to MI to meet Jeff's families!! I always look forward to my time away from the kids, and I know they need the time with their dad, but I still hate the thought of not being with them for ten whole days! EEEEK!


Anonymous said...

Mrs Wion was indeed strange!!!

I didn't like her much!

adam said...

those big painted on eyebrows of mrs. wion's....wowza!