Friday, July 22, 2011

You think you're sooooo funny! (You kinda are!)

I'm really missing my babies this morning. I made it through the first night without them with flying colors (and a bottle of wine). I woke up at 6:45 this morning to a call from Anderson! It was the PERFECT start to my day! He was up and at 'em, begging his daddy to wake up and make breakfast (5:45am IA time). Positive about kids being gone for the week: sleeping in, and NOT having to make breakfast for anyone!

My normal mornings go something like this: I wake up around 6am to Anderson crawling in my bed, telling me "I'll cuddle you Mom." He wraps his tiny little arm around me, making it as far as grabbing my boob. Eh, whatever. At least he's cuddling me! We'll lay there for as long as it takes for Lilly to wake up (usually another 20 mins). During our alone time, Anderson rambles about the most bizarre things! You truly never know what will come out of Anderson's little mouth! His mind is all over the place!

I got a call from Aaron earlier this morning. He was laughing about how random and hilarious Anderson is! I told Aaron how Anderson provides me with so much entertainment! He's toooo funny (and he knows it!)!!!

1 comment:

andrea said...

i love his facial expressions. he's so cute!