Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Let's Try It!

So, during my normal morning perusing through Yahoo, I came across an article (read it here) about spending (or quite the opposite actually). This person went ten days straight without spending money. I thought to myself, "Self, how hard could this possibly be?" I pay every single bill on the first of the month, as I only get paid once a month. With the exception of daycare, which is SUPPOSED to be Aaron's only parental responsibility each week, my bills are paid and I know each month what "leftover" money I'll have. I get gas once a week, groceries every two weeks, and of course waste tons of money on dining out, daily snacking, and random shopping. I figure it shouldn't be too hard to cut out the unnecessary spending, pay for the gas and groceries ahead of time, and really stick to a five-day-spending-drought. (Let's start small-- 5 days vs 10! steps!)
Anyhow, my co-worker and I are vowing to go through this together! We're starting next Monday and will take it through Friday. Fingers crossed for us, please! I'll definitely need it!!!


Anonymous said...

My family & I for years, Once a month, we will have a NO SPEND week-end. I think it's be fun to try 10 days. I just wont tell them, as I find when I say no spend week-end, that is the week-end, that they feel they need EVERYTHING.

Rachael said...

I think this is a great idea!! I'm going to try it since we have a VERY limited income. My only issue is it will be hard to keep my fresh veggies/fruits good for that long. Anyhow, you have motivated me to start a new way of life in a great time of need:)

g said...

Good luck. I'm sure at the end of the five days you'll be so glad you did it!

adam said...

you only grocery shop every TWO weeks?! wowza!