Monday, June 13, 2011

Stay mad at me...

Things have been rough at the Hahn-Scudder abode lately. Lilly has been pinching her brother, and I do believe I witnessed her KICKING him the good ole' shin-kick type. It was terrible. Anderson, being the world's most dramatic kid, has been crying more than usual and has started a constant "sniff" (not from crying so much, but rather allergy-induced I think). Regardless, it's all annoying.
The warmer temperatures have allowed for a lot of outside playtime, which helps the kids wind down after their busy day at school, but it seems to feed even more rotten-behavior, and the bright evenign skies delay our 7pm bedtime (do not comment on my kids' bedtime!)!
Yesterday, after a two-hour punishment (which included frantically cleaning each other's rooms, helping me clean out the toy box, and helping to mop the kitchen floor), I finally agreed to let the kids play outside. My dad was on his way to town to mow my lawn, so I figured some outside labor couldn't hurt! The kids playfully picked weeds, picked up rocks and sticks from the lawn, and helped clean out the pool.

Finally I allowed them to play! Lilly of course went right for the sidewalk chalk (my little artist) and Anderson quickly grabbed his tennis "rocket" to practice the drills he learned at his tennis lesson the day before.

Here are some pictures of my precious kids doing what they do best-- reminding me that they're jsut too darn cute to stay mad at them...!!!

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