Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Today, only.

Sure it may be a cliche' phrase, but taking life one day at a time really has its benefits! I'm realizing that it's very freeing to not tackle too much at once. I'm happier than I've ever been, and nothing has necessarily changed other than my way of thinking. Instead of worrying about what might be or what could happen, I'm able to look at the "now" and focus on what I can do TODAY, RIGHT NOW to be happy!
I've always been a planner. The thought of doing something without a concrete plan (preferably written, in list form...with MY handwriting) kinda freaks me out a little (a lot). But I really have been learning to let go and just let things happen. As a self-proclaimed control freak, this has been a challenge, but I'm seeing the results of standing back and handing over some of the control to someone else. AAAAH! It's great living for today and not worrying about tomorrow (cliche' overload?)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gretchen I hear that the "One day at a time" thing works....18 years and 111 days ...so far it works at least....could give you many more cliche's like "Plan the effort, not the outcome"...or maybe "But for the grace of God, there go I"....