I subscribe to a daily devotional. For most people, you either love Rick Warren or you hate him (Yes dad, I know your position on him already!). But today's devo really struck a nerve (in a good way) with me today. It used the analogy of carrying around a backpack filled with all our "stuff" as a way of showing us that there is so much in our lives that we could just let go of and it'd make getting through life so much easier. Although I feel like I've done a pretty good job of emptying out my backpack, I think it may be time to go through my bag again and see what else I'm holding onto that I could shed. I've been blessed already this year with some amazing things, and I like to think that it's because I was able to let go of past things and make room for the new ones.
So, here's to today. I'm gonna make it a great one, starting by reevaluating the things I'm carrying around and making cuts to the ones that need to go!
"He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
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