Thursday, February 3, 2011

"Okay Donna!"

I like to tease my mom that she's exactly like Grandma. We all hate the idea that we're "just like your mother" but for mom, I think she loves that she has many of Donna's characteristics (whether she'd admit it or not!)!
Saturday we were at my sister's basketball game and Lilly needed a tissue. Donna, errr I mean Jane, whips out a pink Kleenex from her purse. The Kleenex looked as though it had been used more than once, but Jane assured us "it's clean" and proceeded to shake out the mangled tissue!
I've noticed it lately in my four year old as well! Lilly has a new obsession with making everything FLAT! Yesterday she was having a sandwich for lunch. I walked in just as Lilly's little hand smoooshed the bun of her sandwich! It made my heart melt, as this was a total Donna thing!
Last night, the kids finished the box of Capri Suns. I asked Anderson to toss the empty box into the garage so I could put it in the garbage. Lilly had a mini-meltdown because Anderson didn't squish the box first! "You have to make it flat or it takes up too much room. Nana told me that!" Again, another Donna thing!

Grandma has been on my mind a lot lately. I think she shows herself through the people around me at all the right times! XOXO!

1 comment:

andrea said...

awww! don't you love seeing a little of someone you love and miss in other family members, especially kids??