Sunday, January 8, 2012

Wiggly Tooth

Lilly has her first loose tooth! This is a monumental event in our home, as Lilly has been hoping for one for months...or ever since her cousin Chloe lost a couple teeth! Mama, on the other hand, is not so excited for this event for a couple reasons. First of all because this means my little girl is growing up. I'm not good at handling that! Secondly, because I HATE blood and all gross things! I just DON'T handle that! 
Lilly called her daddy tonight to tell him the exciting news! Aaron laughed when Lilly blurted out "DADDY, I HAVE A WIGGLY TOOTH!" He asked Lills if she knew what happened when her tooth fell out. He said "the tooth fairy brings you dollars!" I quickly corrected him...the tooth fairy brings A dollar!
The next few days (or however long it takes for a wiggly tooth to finally fall out) will be stressful on us all! Lilly is SO anxious for it to fall out (and for the tooth fairy to visit). I am just PRAYING that it falls out on someone else's watch. I'm not sure how I'll handle it! Keep us in your prayers during this exciting time!!! 

1 comment:

Amber said...

NO WAY! If Lilly has a lose tooth then that means Addi is just around the corner and I am so NOT ok with that.