Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Curious Boys

Warning: This post contains some notsoflattering pictures of both my boyfriend and my son. You've been warned.

So Tuesday nights are ballet nights. Lilly has ballet from 4:30-5:15. Usually, I leave Anderson at daycare while I take Lilly to ballet because it's just easier than having to find things to keep Anderson quietly entertained for forty-five minutes in the lobby at the dance studio. ANYWAY...yesterday, I decided that, with the cold and snow, I'd just get Anderson at the same time. I brought along his iPod so he'd have something to do. After Lilly went into her class, Anderson and I were talking and I noticed brown marker behind his ears. WHAT. IS. THAT!? He told me that he met Curious George at school and that he's now brown like Curious George (thanks daycare teachers!). So, there sat my brown-behind-the-ears son, thinking he looked like Curious George!
I quickly texted my mom and JM to tell them of this...and here's what I got back from JM:

Text from JM (while on a conference call): "Curious (JM)"

When I showed Anderson the picture of JM, he laughed and did this:
"Curious Bubby!"

My my my...what silly silly boys I have! **Oh, and guess which super mom forgot to clean off the brown marker behind Curious Bubby's ears this morning before school! Whoops! That's what I get for letting them skip a bath!**

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