Saturday, December 24, 2011

Our Christmas Letter

Wow! I cannot believe 2011 is already coming to an end! There have been a lot of exciting changes that have gone on this year. So, in case you've missed out on anything that's happened this year, here's what we've been up to!
Lilly started kindergarten this year! Although it was rough on us all (okay, me!), Lilly seems to have adjusted well and has only had a couple minor transitional issues. (Who knew it was bad manners to stand on your head at circle time?!) She rides the bus this year, which is a pretty big deal too! I see changes in her daily, and it's still so hard to believe that my little girl is in kindergarten! Lilly is also in ballet and tap! She takes class once a week, for forty-five minutes. She has a lot of fun and seems to really enjoy it! I cannot wait until her recital in the spring! (Stay tuned for pictures!)
Anderson is still at preschool all day. He loves it! He has developed quite the personality, and is such a silly boy! Anderson took tennis lessons this past summer. Fort Wayne has a parks and rec summer program, which includes a five-week tennis class. Although his class was earrrrly on Saturday mornings, he enjoyed the lessons and I think he'll probably want to do it again next summer! Watching him grow into a little man absolutely warms my heart. It's hard to believe he'll be four at the end of this month!
I'm still working for the same company in Fort Wayne. I have made amazing friendships with my co-workers, and I feel so lucky to love my job as much as I do! For those who don't already know, I bought a house last year (July 2010). I love being a homeowner and it's been very exciting making changes to the house! I can't believe we've already had our house for over a year now! 
The kids spent a few weeks in Minnesota over the course of the past year. They have fun spending time with their dad, and I love that they're still able to see him, even with him being so far away. Although I dread their time away from me, it IS nice to have a break every once in awhile! The kids and I went to Florida a couple months ago for a quick weekend getaway! We spent a day at Sea World, and the kids absolutely loved it! It was a perfect, quick trip! In addition to these trips, we also spent some time in Chicago with my brothers! I look forward to taking more family trips next year (starting with a cruise in February with my brother, to celebrate my 30th birthday!!!!)
I look forward to starting 2012 with as much enthusiasm, and hope for another amazing year! 

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