Sunday, December 18, 2011

Lesson Learned

"When the past calls, let it go to voice-mail. It has nothing new to say."

So, I mentioned earlier this week that Aaron is home to spend some time with the kids for the holidays. Although every one many of my friends wondered WHY I was being so generous to Aaron by paying for a room for him and the kids (JM "donated" his hotel points) at a hotel one night so the kids could swim, letting him stay at my house one night (while I stayed in Wabash with my cousin), and letting him hang out with the kids at my house while I was at work for two days, the bottom line was that I was willing to do anything to  keep my kids in FTW over the holidays versus them traveling to MN for a week. With the winter weather, I wasn't willing to risk them driving across country for a week, just to celebrate Christmas with their dad. It made more sense for him to hunker down here in FTW for a few days instead.

While I appreciate the fact that Aaron agreed to celebrate in FTW, I can't help but regret my decision to be so generous to him. He has taken advantage of my gratuity, for the millionth time. I came home today to find my Christmas tree still aglow (middle of the day), my space heater running on full-blast, my kitchen lights on, the television blaring, and my dryer full of HIS clothes. SERIOUSLY? Aaron and I haven't been a couple for the past two years or more. He doesn't have the "right" to just leave my house in shambles and more importantly, to do laundry with MY soaps, without my permission. I've been more than generous by opening up MY home to him.

The bottom line is that I did what I did this year, for my kids. I wanted them to be able to spend time with their dad over the holidays, but I wanted them HERE. I guess this is what they mean when they say "you do what you have to do for your children." Things don't always work out perfectly, but as long as I can keep as much normalcy for my kids during the next couple days, I've done what I've needed to do.

Prayers please.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Such a good mom, you are. You allow yourself to be greatly inconvenienced for the sake of your children being close to home and their happiness. This just shows how awesome of a mom you are. The sacrifices that you make are admirable. More parents should behave as you do.