Tuesday, December 20, 2011

In my free time...

With Aaron being here these past few days, I've realized that with the help of another parent, it frees up a lot of my time! I haven't made dinner in five days. I have managed to squeeze in a haircut, a manicure, and have tanned more than once in the past week. Last night, I even got home after 6:30pm. OH. MY. GOSH!! Although I've enjoyed my free time, I feel like I haven't really spent quality time with the kids-- since when I am home with them, they're either on their new DS's or they're climbing all over their dad. I have missed reading to them at the end of the day, I've missed bathtime, jammie time, and even bedtime. Daddy has put them to bed the past two nights and it kinda makes me sad! As much as I've enjoyed the mini-break from reality, I miss our normal routine and I'm looking forward to getting back to it. Aaron will be gone in less than four hours, and I can't tell you how happy I am to have my kids back to myself!!!!

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