Sunday, August 26, 2012

Let's Switch It Up

It's been a minute since I wrote anything, mostly because I have had these crazy thoughts in my mind about going in a new direction with my blog. Part of that scares me like in a big way, because of a couple of things. One, I like my Lucky Chance blog and I like writing about this "fluffy" stuff..ya know, my failed relationships, my precious (yet crrrrazy) babies, my obsession with my job (which is questionable these days), and my other ramblings that mean nothing to anyone other than me. With that said, I have felt this feeling lately, something pulling me to do more, write more, do something- with a purpose. Hmm, but that sounds super incredibly intimidating and perhaps too deep for me. I'm not "that" type of a person. Or am I? Who knows?

This thought came to me three weeks ago when my church started a new series called "Target: What if you  lived your dream every day"...I briefly mentioned it a couple weeks ago in a previous post, but it's been on my mind daily since then. I've reached out to some people for help with the idea. My friend Aaron has been A-MAZING about it. It's nice when you find someone your age who gets your vision. Also, my distant friend JW, who I trust with the universe, has encouraged me and supported my vision. With their support, I feel less intimidated about taking the leap into a new blog. And heck, maybe I'll even keep writing Lucky Chance. We shall see.

The Target series is all about finding your "calling" in life. Finding that thing you were created to do, and doing it. The thing that worries me, is that many people go their entire life without really hitting their target. I don't want to be one of those people. I don't want to make the turn towards it and still miss it. Basically, we were all born with a purpose, with a target. Without it, we are lost. I keep talking about putting this new blog off. I justify it thinking that I need to wait until I have more "facts" together. Here's what I know.  Ephesians 5:15-17 says Be careful, then, how you live- not as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. Paul is saying that we need to create this sense of urgency in our own days, we need to get up every day and have a purpose, get somewhere with a purpose, on purpose. I like that idea. The idea that we don't need to get up every day and just survive, just be, but instead to do something, be something. How demotivating to just get up and go through the motions, no?

I'd love to say that I have a plan for myself. That I have a road map of what I think it is that God has called me to do- that He has revealed my "target" for life. But that's not the case. After this three week series, I know that this may take a little work, but for the first time, I am ready and willing to put in the work. I'm ready to do what I've talked about doing. I don't think God created me to blog about random stuff, I don't even think I was called to write a blog about Him! All I know is that something has been tugging at my heart. I'm ready to listen and follow it. What comes from it, only time will tell. I feel  extremely vulnerable. I feel overwhelmingly intimidated. And to be honest y'all, people's confidence in their faith even scares me! (I sound like a giant bawl baby, right?!) I wasn't raised in a home that talked about church, studied scripture, or heck, even went to church every Sunday. But I want that for myself now and for my kids. I'm excited to dig into this series a little more on my own and see where it takes me. Wish me luck!