Thursday, March 15, 2012

"Make me pretty!" Said The House

I wrote awhile back about some changes that are happening at work, and I'll spare you with the details. But basically, I have a whole new title. I'm excited for the changes, grateful to be working, and excited to be doing it with the same people I've worked with for the past few years. With that said, I can't help but be a tiny bit disappointed. Basically, there was a possibility that I could be transferring to another Bowling Green, KY. While this would have been a decision that I would have had to make on my own-- whether or not to put my house on the market and move away from everything that I've ever known-- I was willing to do it, if it meant keeping my job with RMEC. I love my job. I cannot stress that enough! (Are you SO sick of me talking about how much I love it?!) make a long story short, I'll be doing a completely different job, but I still have a job with RMEC and I couldn't be happier! (And there's a raise!)

Well, when I thought that I MIGHT have to put my house on the market, I contacted a local realtor (whom I LOVED by the way) to see what we could do with my house. He assured me that I would be able to list it well above what I paid for it, and I was secretly a wee bit excited at the idea of selling my house. (or maybe I was more excited to make money off my house!) But now that I won't be listing my house, I feel like I need to do a little work around here. There are a few minor changes that need to happen, and even more major changes that I want to do. I know that once I put it in writing, it will motivate me to start working towards getting them done. So, here's my list o' changes for the Hahn-Scudder Abode.

    • ceiling fan for master bedroom
    • landscaping
    • front door
    • counter tops for all three bathroom vanities
    • kitchen counter tops
    • back splash for kitchen
    • new flooring in kitchen, entry, and downstairs bath
    • new windows (eeeek!)
    • change outdoor lighting
    • new front door
    • outside furniture for front porch
    • fence in backyard
    • deck (or stamped cemented slab)
    • repaint bright green dining room
    • new lighting in all three bathrooms
    • new stove
    • new dishwasher
    • new "breakfast table"

Okay, so my list got a little bit outta control, but..that's basically EVERYTHING that I need to do to my house. Some of these things could be knocked out in a short weekend, some of them are ones that will have to take some major budgeting and planning. But...this is MY house. I WANT to make it as great as I can! I'm excited to start on this list!! Wish me luck (and feel free to help me with ANY of it!)!!!

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