Monday, August 8, 2011

How does this work?

As a single person, things are fairly simple, especially when it comes to coordinating plans. We're able to come and go as we please. We're able to do whatever we want on the weekend, without having to consult with someone else. Going out to see the guys every weekend isn't such a bad thing. We don't worry about what affect our actions have on anyone else...because there is no one else!!!
As a couple, how do we insure that we're being mindful of our partner, while still maintaining our own identity outside of the relationship? It goes from going out with a buddy once a week, to going out with him once every couple months. Things are just different. We want to still have our "old" friends, yet be willing and open to making "new" friendships. We want to have our "own" space and our "own" time, but still spend time with our partner. He wants to be catering to her needs, yet not her sole rock of stability. She wants to feel needed, but not used. There are so many factors to consider.

JM and I had to finally have this talk. There's a gap in where we WANT to be, and where we literally CAN be right now. Although we both agree that we want to be together, 24/7 (errr, mostly!), with him working/living in MI right now, it's just not possible. So when he's in GR and I'm in FTW, there's a sense of disconnect between old versus new life. Single verses coupled. Working through these things has been difficult for us, especially being so far away from each other. But we both see the value in each other and in our relationship. I'm confident that as long as we can maintain this mutual respect for each other, we'll work through these minor bumps in the road.

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