Friday, February 3, 2012


For most of us, Facebook and Twitter have become a way of life-- a way to not only reconnect with old friends, but a way to keep up with everything, whether we REALLY care about that person's biz-niss or not.
With recent events, I've thought a lot about the role that FB plays in my life. For me lately, it's been a way of monitoring (or gauging) where my relationship stood with JM. If he still had my picture as his profile pic, then we were still "good"...or at least we COULD get there. If our relationship status didn't change, then again, we're still "good" or at least we both were acknowledging that we COULD get back there. Well now I realize how silly this was! JM could care less about FB. And chances are JM could care less what his picture was or what his relationship status says. But for girls (me) it's different.
So, instead of running to Facebook and updating my status, or being tempted with constantly checking out my handsome (ex) boyfriend...I figured I'd just deactivate my account. I don't need to see pictures on Facebook of JM and I don't need to look too much into what he has or hasn't changed. The reality is that for now, it's over (my relationship with JM AND Facebook!)!


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