Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Terrible. Terrible. Terrible.

I'm ready to get my kids back. I don't think my mind will be at ease until I have them safely in the comfort of our own home. Yesterday was the first day I've not spoken to my kids since they were born. Aaron and I got into a little (huge) spat yesterday, so as my "punishment" he refuses to let them talk to me. Mature, huh? Aaron's issue with me is that I am in control. My issue with Aaron is that he's clueless. I know this is like beating a dead horse, and I know I've complained about my issues with Aaron way too many times to count. Aaron is now threatening to take me to court, which I'm sure he'll follow through on...and that's okay. Although I always thought Aaron and I would be able to work things out on our own, without the courts, the reality is Aaron HATES that I have control--of anything. He doesn't understand that he left me with all the control when he moved to MN, leaving me to make all the decisions.
Regardless of what happens, if he takes me to court or not, I know that everything is going to work out just fine. My kids are happy and healthy. Even though it's going to be terrible not being able to talk to them for the next few days, I know I'll survive and they'll be HOME before I know it!

Monday, July 25, 2011

"PURE" Perfection!

Being that JM is from Michigan, I can't help but give him a hard time everytime I hear a "Pure Michigan" commercial. Although Tim Allen's voice makes the numerous Michigan lakes and other attractions seem incredibly enticing, I can't help buy get a chuckle at how desperate the state of Michigan sounds with their constant ads! It's impossible to listen to the radio on the way to work without hearing a Pure Michigan commercial at least twice! It becomes obnoxious!
Well, this was the first weekend I went to Grand Rapids to meet JM's family! First of all, his family is AMAZING! Although I had NO doubts that they would all be fabulous people, I was still a little anxious to meet them. It's kinda a huge deal! JM's family means the world to him and I just wanted to make a good impression.
We got a really late start Saturday morning. It was noon before we even left FTW. We had to drive separately because JM was working from GR on Monday and it wouldn't have made sense for him to come all the way back to FTW. We made a little detour on the way to GR. I was pleasantly surprised that JM was taking me to my uncle's pub in Richland, MI. Although it was a little out of our way, he wanted me to be able to stop in and see my MI family since we were so close! I told you he's perfect!
We finally made our way to GR, met the fam, and then JM took me to Saugatuck. It was the most romantic, relaxing, PERFECT setting! We walked the shoreline for what seemed like miles. We went through the families, the sunbathers, and finally walked to the most secluded part of the beach. It was perfect! Walking hand-in-hand with the most wonderful man, seemingly thinking the same things, stopping every once in awhile for a quick kiss....he made my heart melt. It was perfection, through and through. We stopped in Grand Haven on the way back to GR for a quick bite to eat. Overall the trip, although way too short, was perfect! I think Tim Allen is really onto something! Who knew?!

Friday, July 22, 2011

You think you're sooooo funny! (You kinda are!)

I'm really missing my babies this morning. I made it through the first night without them with flying colors (and a bottle of wine). I woke up at 6:45 this morning to a call from Anderson! It was the PERFECT start to my day! He was up and at 'em, begging his daddy to wake up and make breakfast (5:45am IA time). Positive about kids being gone for the week: sleeping in, and NOT having to make breakfast for anyone!

My normal mornings go something like this: I wake up around 6am to Anderson crawling in my bed, telling me "I'll cuddle you Mom." He wraps his tiny little arm around me, making it as far as grabbing my boob. Eh, whatever. At least he's cuddling me! We'll lay there for as long as it takes for Lilly to wake up (usually another 20 mins). During our alone time, Anderson rambles about the most bizarre things! You truly never know what will come out of Anderson's little mouth! His mind is all over the place!

I got a call from Aaron earlier this morning. He was laughing about how random and hilarious Anderson is! I told Aaron how Anderson provides me with so much entertainment! He's toooo funny (and he knows it!)!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

They're gone...

The kiddies are en route to Minnesota right now. They left this morning around 9. They were both RIDICULOUSLY excited to go, but this Mama was ridiculously sad to see them go.

Aaron got to town yesterday around 6pm. The kids and I met him at our FAVORITE Mexican restaurant, Cebollas, for dinner and then ran to Target for a few last minute supplies for their trip. This was the first time that I insisted that Aaron buy his own kid necessities for his house, rather than taking mine with him (only to NOT return them!). The evening went well, considering (our disdain for one another). After our quick shopping trip, the kids and I went home (Aaron stayed with a friend) and began the wretched chore of packing. Ugh!

This morning went well. Aaron came over first thing, loaded up the car, packed a cooler, and they were on their way....

I made both kids PROMISE to call me everyday (although I know they won't WANT to talk to me everyday!) and made them pose for a quick picture on their way out the door. As every other time, I know the kids will have a GREAT time with their Dad, and I REALLY do want the break from reality...but I cried for a greater part of the nine o'clock hour thinking about how my little loves won't be home when I get off work tonight, or there in the morning when I wake up. Here's to making the most of these next seven days!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

buh bye now...

The kids leave in a few days for MN. I am super excited for some time alone, but of course I'll miss my babies. I've started a list of things I need/want to get done while my hunny-bunches-of-energy are gone.

1) Clean out the garage. I have four or five totes of "stuff" sitting on my garage floor waiting to make their way up to the attic. I tried going into the attic once, but only with a lot of encouragement from my babies cheering me on from below, remember? The fiasco ended with me cursing all men (because putting heavy totes into a hot, buggy attic is clearly not for my kind), breaking a freshly manicured thumb nail, and most importantly, promising myself that I'd never again attempt to put anything in the attic. JM swears that this is a man's job and that he'll handle this. Perhaps I'll let him do it while I supervise. I'm great at that.

2) Finish my bedroom makeover. I started my bedroom remodel about four months ago. I talked about it here and here . It got a fresh coat of paint, new furniture, and new bedding. I have yet to hang anything on the walls or decorate beyond a framed picture of my grandparents on my nightstand. I'm planning to rearrange the furniture, hang a mirror, hang black and white pictures (maybe of the kids?), and HOPEFULLY move out the treadmill-turned-closet.

3) Road trip to Michigan. This weekend, JM and I will make the trek to Grand Rapids so I can meet some of his family! I'm SUPER excited to meet these amazing people I've heard so much about! JM is an incredible man, and it'll be nice to be a part of "his world" for a weekend! He's been so patient and understanding, driving to FTW to see ME all the time; I'm ready to go to his stomping grounds for a couple days! The following weekend, Megan and I are taking a day trip to St.Joe, MI. One of her teacher friends told her about the quaint little town, so we figured we'd take the day and explore. From there, we're going to Chicago, where we'll (hopefully) meet up with Adam and Gary for dinner/drinks, before getting the kids back the following day!

4) Try a new eatery. Every time my kids are gone, my old boss promises to take me to a local restaurant that I've not yet experienced. Last time we went to Henry's for a burger, YUM! And the time before that we went to Aboite Grill, where I tried tons of new foods! This time we're thinking either Bourbon Street in downtown FTW, or Joseph Dequis in Roanoke. Either choice will be delish, of course! I can't wait!

5) Get back-to-school ready. My baby starts school in less than four weeks. I CANNOT BELIEVE that Lilly is going into kindergarten already! We had a BLAST school-shopping last weekend. Nana definitely took care of Princess Lilly, preparing her to enter kindergarten as fashionable as possible! Lilly is very excited to go to a new school, but I can't help but worry about her making this very big change. Lilly has been through a lot of change in the past two years and has handled herself very well. I'm sure this will be no different. But still..she's my baby! I need to get myself ready to send the queen off to kindergarten. (Prayers please!)

The last time the kids were in MN was when Jeff and I started spending time together, outside of work. We were together EVERY evening and really got to know each other. It was AMAZING! I am TRYING to embrace my eight kidless days as much as possible, as I know it'll be December until it happens again!

Friday, July 1, 2011


Happy July 1st, all! When I was telling the kids that it's July already (as though this means ANYTHING to them), I was reminded of my 7th grade English teacher Mrs.Wion. On the first of every month, Mrs.Wion would make a dramatic presentation (complete with tears) about how there had been a death the night before, and a birth that morning. Hmmmm? She was weird.

Last night began the start to a seven-day stay with JM. He's working closer to FTW than usual, so he's able to come to my house after work for the next few workdays. Also, with it being a long holiday weekend, he's staying with us! I'm super excited to have him here, and a little anxious to see how the week will go. I'm a creature of habit, so anything (or anyone) who throws that off, may reap the negative effects of my controlling demeanor. JM reads me really well and knows when I'm needing some attention from AFAR! I'm confident that the next week will be pure (errr, mostly) bliss!

I realized this morning as the kids and I pulled into daycare listening to Ke$ha that I probably don't have the best music selections for my kids all the time. I've never been a big fan of Ke$ha's, but some of her stuff is catchy...just ask Anderson! I know I know, tacky. Bad mom.

The kids leave in a few short weeks for MN. They'll be gone for ten days. I'm nervous because this is the first time they're going there when Aaron and I just blatenly aren't getting along. He's gone days without calling the kids, he's been nothing but nasssty to me, and I've lost all but an ounce of resepect for him (that one ounce being the fact that my mom said I HAD to respect him as the father of my children). It's going to be tough sending them off with him this time, but I have a lot of stuff planned to keep my mind busy...including a weekend getaway to MI to meet Jeff's families!! I always look forward to my time away from the kids, and I know they need the time with their dad, but I still hate the thought of not being with them for ten whole days! EEEEK!