Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Ugly Truth

No one likes a complainer. No one likes to read about someone constantly bitching about her life. I get it. For those of you who side on those two opinions, you should skip this post!

For those of you still reading...let's talk about the truth...even if it's not fair. Let's chat about it, want to?

I'm friends with my most of my ex-boyfriends. For me, I see it like this: I spent months with you. During those months I would like to believe that we REALLY enjoyed each other's company. Although I've only been in love a couple times, I can honestly say that I gave it my all during those relationships, so it shouldn't be a huge surprise that I want to remain friends. And for my ex's, this doesn't seem to be an issue...However, I'm now realizing that there are ulterior motives, sometimes. You all know what I'm talking about.. I'm realizing that my ex's aren't friends with me because I'm just THAT awesome that they can't part ways with me. As with most past relationships, there's that level of comfort that you just can't trade in for someone new. You feel those comforting feelings with an ex. You feel that security. That familiarity. That trust. You get to talk about the ugliest things of your day, and your ex-bf will still talk to you again the next day! You get to answer the door in jammie pants because he knows all your looks and this won't disgust him. You get to just be YOU, and not have to worry about what he's thinking. Sadly, these unrealistic friendships end. There will be a day he finds a pretty girl (who doesn't answer the door in her jammies). A day when he can have meaningless "relations" without the baggage from the past, that inevitably creeps in with an ex. A day he can call someone else on his two hour drive home from work, and not have to hear about your work drama or hear stories about which of your kids has green snot hanging in his/her mouth. I get it. That's part of the moving on and growing apart. It's a sad reality, but it happens.

Let's talk about another bitter truth...in continuing with the ex-boyfriend debacle. Am I the only one who feels slightly jaded about the fact that oftentimes the "bad guy" gets to move on first? Right, I realize I just put that in print. I'm just saying...my ex was HORRIBLE to me (yes, my own fault for staying in the relationship for too long, but we have kids together so that was my excuse) and yet he's coming out smelling like roses now. Why is it that I feel like I'm being punished?! I know I know, dramatic much? But seriously, while we're being honest (and clearly we are, right?), am I the only one who feels cheated by this harsh reality? Because if we really looked at the reason I'm single and he's not, I'd say I have a lot more on my plate and that I'm a lunatic because of all of it. And not to be the most shallow girl in the world, but why is it that our (please tell me I'm not the only one) ex seems to always find someone skinnier and prettier?!!

Ya'll, I'm sorry. I promise I'll be back to normal tomorrow.

But....it did feel damn healthy to get that all out.

1 comment:

Amanda: said...

Awww... Been there, done that.