Wednesday, April 4, 2012

30 is the new 20, right?

So my thirties didn't start out the best! My ex boyfriend promised to throw me a surprise party (that I had already planned for him), and that didnt' pan out. And I was okay with it. It was annoying, but what was I thinking leaving minor any details up to a man? I still had an awesome birthday celebration! About two weeks later, I got dumped. Okay, so the first month of my thirties was HORRIBLE. But...that's over now. It's now almost three months later and I'm finally snapping out of my funk! AND, I just read an article on Yahoo that said according to a survey, people said they were happiest when they were thirty-three! Have I mentioned how much I'm looking forward to turning thirty-three?! LOL!

I will say though, that since I turned thirty I notice that there's been a slight change in my way of thinking. I've become more of a planner. I've made lists (and not just for the purpose of seeing my own handwriting, like usual) about things I want to get accomplished. I've set a five-year plan (which I MIGHT share with everyone at some point). And I think most importantly, I've set higher expectations for myself and have shifted the focus from other people to myself. There are things I want to do this year. Changes I want to make. Goals I want to reach. I'm excited!

It's always a big joke in my family that "we're so blessed"...but it's seriously true! What in the world do any of us have to complain about?! We really are blessed! Things could be so much worse! Ya know?! I'm celebrating that blessings! You should too! Enough complaining, ya'll!

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