Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April, What What?!

New goal for April....blog more. Complain less. (after today)

  • Spent the weekend in Michigan, visiting family, seeing an old friend, and spending a final visit with JM.
    • My family was great-- got to see my "baby" cousins and my uncle and his wife! Fun times!!!
    • My old friend is a comedian now. He's a friend from high school who has made it big! He's been on Leno, Letterman, Comedy Central, and performs at clubs across the country. This is the first time I've spent time with him in years! It was SO fun catching up with him.
    • The "final visit" with with JM was disappointing for so many reasons. First off, who plans a "final visit" with their ex? A farewell of sorts. Just seems odd to me. But after spending the past two months in this "is he or isn't he" bubble, it was inevitable that this was right around the corner. We both need to be completely cut out of each other's life, at least for now. JM is very set in his ways as a bachelor, and although I'll never understand it, it's the way he has chosen to live. At the same time, I'm pretty set in MY ways, and I'm not ready to budge for anyone-- not even JM. To think that he and I won't even speak anymore, breaks my soul, but it has to be this way.
  • Kids have been in MN since last Friday. I'm DYING! Not only do I miss them like CRAZY, I've become more and more annoyed with Aaron everyday.
    • Lilly lost her 3rd tooth on her second night at Aaron's. I had warned Aaron that this might happen, and asked him to please follow the same "tooth fairy routine" that I've done for her previous two lost teeth. In our house, the tooth fairy doesn't sneak into your room at night and replace your hidden tooth with money. Instead, you put your tooth in water and it grows money (coins), until the tooth fairy has finished growing it and takes the tooth away. Although I was willing to overlook the tooth fairy procedure that Aaron did (the tooth under the pillow thing) because maybe the tooth fairy in MN is different than the tooth fairy at home, I can't overlook the fact that he LOST HER TOOTH! WWWWWWWWWWWHAT?! How do you LOSE your daughter's tooth?! Especially for Aaron-- this was the first tooth that he saw her lose! How do you LOSE IT?! I'm livid!
    • Aaron has kept the kids busy 24/7. They are constantly going somewhere or doing something. He has spent ZERO alone time with them. They're always with his mom or sister or his girlfriend. It's just frustrating that he CANNOT be alone with them-- he doesn't know how to interact with them, so he has to have other people around as buffers. It makes me sad for the kids. I know they're having fun, but I don't doubt that they would enjoy some alone time with their dad.
    • I CANNOT wait to have them back home! Although I always love the break from reality, I constantly worry about them while they're gone. I just want them back home NOW! Saturday can't come soon enough!
    • Did I mention Aaron quit his job last week and doesn't have anything else lined up? Can't wait to see how he pays child support now! Ugh!
  • Tis the season for yard work. Gretchen HATES yard work. I finally got my mower up and running yesterday and mowed the lawn for the first time this year. I'm so grateful to be a homeowner, but what the heck was I thinking not hiring a lawn boy? LOL! This MAY be added to the monthly budget for the summer months.
  • My raise went into full effect beginning April 1st. So glad for that!
  • The house projects continue...still trying to find a landscaper who can work with my tiny little budget of $1500!
  • I've eaten take-out everyday since my kids went to MN. I should feel guilty, but sadly I don't. What's wrong with me?!
  • I have all day off on Friday for Good Friday!!! I cannot wait...although I have no plans! LOL!
  • I've taken complete advantage of being alone the past few nights. I have worn zero make-up, put on jammies at 5pm, and laid on the couch, sometimes even dozing off, then drag myself to bed at 11pm! I still sleep with a light on in the hallway (okay so maybe it's not just Anderson who needs the extra light at night). And I wake up at the very last possible second, giving myself JUST enough time to get ready for work.

Okay, so I promise that I'm going to make this the most positive month of blogging! I just needed to get it all out of my system! Ready! Set! Go!!!

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