Friday, October 21, 2011

Ziggy's Privates!?

So I mentioned that I volunteered in Lilly's classroom yesterday. It was quite entertaining and it was nice to be able to put a face to the friends that Lilly always talks about. I have to admit though, that it made me want to dictate who Lilly hangs out with at school. Wow, I just admitted that, huh? I'm sorry, but when I see her little friend "A" act out in class, it helps me see why Lilly sometimes acts silly crazy too. *I'm in no way blaming friend A for the actions Lilly takes. Lilly is aware (now) that she is responsible for her actions, no matter how her friends are acting.* I know it's wrong for me to encourage strongly encourage her to spend her time with certain friends (friend H and friend R please!), but I just can't help it. Sometimes our little tots need that little push to make better decisions in the friend department, right? It's never too early to start, right? So this morning when Lilly and I were talking about her classmates, she told me about her friend C who talks about privates all the time. SHOCKED, I asked her WHAT she was talking about. She said that friend C was talking about his dog Ziggy's private parts and that Mrs.Summers said "Now *friend C* is that appropriate conversation for the classroom? I know that people potty and animals potty, but we do not need to talk about it." Wowza. It's CRRRRRAZY the things my little five year old is already exposed to. I know that this is all bound to happen eventually, but REALLY? In kindergarten? My daughter knows how to spell "kissing" because of the lovely "sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g" song. Ugh. Already? LOL! Oh, it's always something. Thanks Lilly for the entertainment, but could you PLEASE slow down please? You're FIVE!

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