Monday, October 3, 2011

A Strange Comparison? Perhaps.

I may get stoned for making this odd comparison, but have you ever noticed that you can almost always find a way to make your daily horoscope applicable to your life? No matter what the horoscope says, somehow it was "meant" for your eyes to read that day, right? For example, here's my horoscope today: You hit the nail right on the head, and impress all the right people. Your energy just can't be denied today, so make sure that you're out in public and getting every bit of the attention you deserve. This makes sense to me and what I have brewing in my mind today. Does it make sense to anyone else, seeing my world from the outside? Probably not! And if I try to explain the similarities in my "real" world and my "cosmic" world, would it appear as obvious to anyone else as it does to me? Again, probably not.

I compare this to the message at church every Sunday. Do you ever feel like your pastor is talking directly to you? I do...every weekend! Ha! I suppose that's a good thing, huh? This weekend the message was about how we were all "dealt" a certain "hand" in life. One day, He will come back and say "what did you DO with the hand I dealt you?" It's not about how much money we have or what we drive or where we live. It's what we did with what we had. It's doing SOMETHING with what we were given. For the longest time I have just sat on what I had. I have remained idle in life. Sure, I've made changes in my life and taken chances, but for the most part I've played it safe, doing what I know, what is familiar. But I think I'm finally ready to DO more. Although I may fall on my face or I may get rejected, at least I'm TRYING.

1 comment:

teresa-bug said...

Cute blog makeover!! :)