Sunday, August 4, 2013

"By No Means!" -Paul

As I sat down to blog this morning I was looking over my "notes" that I jotted down during this morning's sermon...the words "cray cray" and "bonkers" are on the page. Preach Gretch, preach! Our pastor was talking about a trip he went on two years ago and how he made a mental note to make the next five years of his life the best five years yet. And he asked himself how he had done during these past two years since he made that vow to himself...and then he asked us to think back two yeas ago and see if anything was different in our own life.
My first thought was to come look at my blog two years ago and see where I was during that season of my life. I'm proud to say that I think I've grown a lot, especially in my relationships. But I was disappointed to see that as I read through my different posts from August of 2011, I'm dealing with a lot of the same issues that I did then. Bummer. Which brings me to my "bonkers" and "cray cray" notes..Romans 6:1-5 talks about how God forgives and that His grace is never-ending, but that doesn't give us the right to keep sinning. We must live a changed life. Just because we know we will be forgiven does not give us the excuse to keep living our "old" way of life.
For a lot of Christians there's this "ah ha" moment where it all really sunk in...when they realized the seriousness of what it meant when Jesus died for their sins. I still can't fully understand it, but I want to so badly. I remember blogging about the freedom I felt knowing that I'm not alone and that I can't do life on my own. I wrote about it here. But I don't think I completely get it when I think of the enormity that Christ died for me and my sins NOW.
Anderson got caught up in a lie this past week. And when he realized he was busted (I'm the mom, I know everything!) he walked over to Charlie and said "what does the Bible say about telling lies." Charlie proceeded to talk to him about how lying is a sin and that Jesus died on the cross for us and for our which Anderson said "yeah, but he came back to life." (touche') When he came back out to me, I asked him what Charlie said and he regurgitated what his little five-year-old-mind comprehended. And when he got to the part about Jesus dying on the cross for our sins he said "but I wasn't alive back then so they weren't my sins." Crap.
I don't have to completely understand why Jesus died for our sins, I just need to know that He did. Follow me? I was given a second chance. I was given a chance at a new life, and sadly I see remnants of my old life probably everyday. I need to live my life differently. I want my life to look differently than non-believers. I don't know if it really does right now. Sure, I go to church and we pray before meals, etc... but does my language, my actions, my heart really scream "I'm a Christ follower!"? I'm not sure it does. Ouch. If my heart feels changed, why do my actions not show it?
'Tis time to start livin' differently.
#bedifferent #beintentional

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