Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Reading in 2012

After JM and I broke up, I found myself with a lot of extra free time and started reading a lot again. Here's a quick list of the books I've read so far this year...

On my cruise, I wanted something easy and "light" since I just really needed to be in a "happy" place! I read Chelsea Handler's Are You There Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea. It's one of her first books, and it was the perfect beach read!

Then on my way home from my cruise, I had an extremely long layover in the Ft.Lauderdale airport. I picked up a Nicholas Sparks (puke) book, The Rescue. I've never been a Nicholas Sparks lover, mostly because I'm a cynic and his books make me want to throw something. As appealing as it sounds to have a handsome rugged man come to my rescue, it isn't real life. Anyway, it was an easy read and got me through my layover in the airport. 

After that, my cousin convinced me to jump on the bandwagon and quickly read The Hunger Games trilogy. And I had to read the first one quickly, before the movie came out! So I read the three of them. And I LOVED them!! 

So I had read five books in like two months, so I needed another quick, light, fluffy read. So a friend at work, who loves celebrity gossip even more than I do (xoxo Tess!), told me about the Taylor Armstrong book. Taylor is known as the victim of her husband's outrageous abuse from the hit show Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. After her husband's suicide, Taylor wrote about the abuse that she had experienced over the years. Although the book was depressing (because of what this woman had been through), I can't help but admit that I felt dumber after reading it. It was pretty poorly written, but again, the message was strong and good for her for getting "it" out there. 

Then I was on an autobiography kick for a minute and decided to read up on the hunky Rob Lowe. My brother had read the book already and mentioned it was a good, easy read. So I read it. Although I didn't know much about Rob Lowe (and wasn't into all the hype of the rat pack or whatever they were called!), the book was good. I really liked his stories and it was interesting to see into another side of a celebrity's life, other than what we read in the trashy magazines! 

I am currently reading the third book in the 50 Shades of Grey triology. To say that I love these books would be an understatement. Yes, it's a dirrrrrrrrrty story, but the story line behind it is good! It's been so entertaining to hear other women comment on the book. It's nice to know I'm not the only girl holding out for a Christian Grey kinda fella (minus the shackles and whips, of course!). And did I hear it's going to be a movie? Ummmm, isn't that called porn?? Just sayin'!

There you have book list since February! I've LOVED relaxing with a good book! The warmer temperatures are making it even easier to enjoy sitting outside, curled up with a book!


teresa-bug said...

Rob Lowe is a member of the Brat Pack {Rat Pack was Sinatra, etc}. I have been a huge fan of Rob's for most of my life as he is around my age. Old.

Amanda: said...

Ok, so this is why we could be such great friends. I LOVE "Are You There Vodka, It's Me Chelsea" (and all of her other books!). Nicholas Sparks is usually too much for me. My nieces and nephews told me that I HAD TO read the Hunger Games, so I did, and I finished them in like a minute. Actually, I've read the trilogy twice now, lol. Oh, and I'm thinking about Fifty Shades of Grey for the summer. I'm actually right smack dab in the middle of "A Salty Piece of Land" by Jimmy Buffett (again) because I love those kinds of stories in the summertime!