Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I'm weird....I've just discovered....

Aaron has a set schedule. It's always the same. Or it rarely changes. Which means, I have the same routine everyday too. With a small child, it's best that way. But routines bore me. And the same routine, everday, realllllly bores me. Ugh.

So my brother, bored out of his gourd as well, suggested tonight that Lilly and I should go stay with him for a couple days. Sure, sounds like a good idea. He needs me to finish the scrapbook that I started for them last know, add the millions of pictures they have from the thousands of vacations they've gone on this year (I'm not bitter, not a bit). UGH!

Only one problem. I'm weird. Basically, ever since I had Lilly, I've been weird about staying at places other than my own house. Not only does packing (and unpacking) for a 15 month old STINK, but then making sure I have everything that I need and WANT for a three day get-away just adds to the drama of packing. It bugs me.

Then I realized, I HATE showering at other people's house. Even my mom's house...the CLEANEST shower in the UNIVERSE...just bugs me. My hair is use to MY water and my own products, which yes, I could pack for the trip, but then again, that's just ONE MORE THING to worry about. Are they going to spill on the designated outfits I've assigned for each day? What if my shampoo spills all over my straight iron? I'd really be screwed. SEE, it's ALL these things that go into "going away" that just stunt my departure.

In conclusion....I think I'll become a hermit. Thank God winter is near, giving me yet another excuse to be the homebody that I long to be. Call me pathetic, it's okay. I'm going with the excuse that I just love my family and my home THAT much that I never want to leave!!!!!!

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