I've found my calling. That's right. I, Gretchen Hahn, have a place in this world. As if motherhood wasn't enough, I recently found deep in my soul that I AM A PROFESSIONAL NOODLE MAKER! YUH HUH!
Noodles in our family date back to the early 1800's...or whenever Mildred Anglin first discovered her talent as a professional noodle maker. Mildred Anglin, my great grandma, was known as "Noodle Grandma" for as long as I can remember. A gorgeous little lady, Noodle Grandma never really HID the recipe of her noodles, probably knowing that no one, even with the recipe in hand, could ever truly replicate her homemade creation. UNTIL....I tried! HAHAHAHAHA!
You should know I can't cook a damn thing! After my "incident" with an unfortunate quart of Kool-Aid (hey, who knew powdered sugar wasn't the EXACT same thing as regular sugar?!), I vowed to never attempt anything homemade. But after becoming engaged and pregnant with my second child, I decided that if I was truly going to be a "housewife"...or domestic engineer, as I like to call myself, that I needed to at least TRY to bake or cook SOMETHING. I want people to be like "Oh, I hope Gretchen makes her famous (fill in the blank) tonight!".....AND PEOPLE, I THINK I'VE DONE IT! I made two batches of noodles Monday and Tuesday nights. On Wednesday, Aaron, Lilly, Adam, Miranda, Mom and I tried them out...and they were GOOD! After a few MINOR tweeks, I feel confident in saying that I am going to be known as "Noodle Gretchen"....THAT'S RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! I said it! NOODLE GRETCHEN!!!!!!!!!
i seriously can't wait to have them again at thanksgiving!
now, if we can just get that sewing machine, we'll both be in business! (after all, i DID win the home ec award in 6th grade!)
Noodle!!! That's what I'm going to start calling you!
may i request a to-go container of these famous noodles be sent back with adam and gary? thanks!!
no worries, andrea. i'm going to make some homemade noodles of my own!
NO NO NO NO NO! There will be no thunder stealing! Andrea will have MY noodles or NONE AT ALL!
i think noodle gretchen put you in your place, adam. her noodles it shall be!
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