Friday, April 6, 2007

Weekly Annoyances (2)

I'm trying to vent my weekly annoyances the best way that I know how, which is by writing and hoping that you all will read and agree with me about them! So, this week they are:

1) American Idol. I can't even say anything more about it, other than GO GINA, SELL THE HELL OUTTA YOUR ALBUM THAT WE ALL KNOW YOU WILL MAKE!

2) Snow. Seriously, in April.

3) Friends who keep putting in their two cents about your relationship even when they know you're not going to listen to their advice. Sure, friends are suppose to be honest with you, but they're also suppose to know when you've heard enough.

4) Cheating husbands. I went out Tuesday afternoon to have a few cocktails, only to be hit on by a MARRIED MAN. SCUM BAG. Honestly. EW!

5) IHOP. I don't understand the fixation people, drunk people especially, have with that damn place. It's sticky. The eggs are runny. And more than HALF the staff is missing three or more of their front teeth. Ew.

6) Teething babies! We've been using the "teething" excuse long enough I think. Lilly's top two teeth STILL aren't in, although she STILL seems to have traces of Lucifer in her eyes. Perhaps our little darling is, in fact, just spoiled rotten.

7) Gas prices. $2.85. What the hell? I'd walk, but it's too damn cold....and in reality, even if it was warm, I still wouldn't walk! What am I talking about?!

8) Grey's Anatomy reruns. Why is it that just because it's "Spring Break" time, the rest of the working world has to miss out on NEW episodes of Grey's while the little school-aged kids and their parents can go to Orlando? BULLSHIT!

Until next week....


g said...

So, I'm a little pissed that I missed Idol. But, I was on a cruise. Gina gone? UGH. Why do I watch it anymore?

Snow. Glad I missed it. April is so confusing. It'll be 100 degrees in two weeks, watch!

adam said...

um, i'm 'fraid so...she's spoiled. but that's okay! her uncle misses spoiling her!!