Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Limited Options

Today is a day that I could classify as one of the most frustrating and disappointing days of my life! Today I realized that the downfalls (or perhaps landslides) of our government are now DIRECTLY affecting my life. Being as I work from home, and Aaron and I aren't married yet (yes, that's right Mom, there's still hope!), I don't have insurance that will cover my pregnancy costs.

Lilly and I are on a short-term plan until the end of July, when again we will have to pay nearly $700 to insure ourselves for another six months. I know the importance of being covered, but our short-term plan covers only major medical, so as of now, it's done nothing to necessarily benefit us, other than giving us the peace of mind that we ARE insured. It doesn't cover the cost of Lilly's $95 wellness checks or anything preventative of mine. This hasn't been an issue though, until I realized that pregnancy could not be covered by nearly ANY insurance company in this glorious country in which we reside. However, every insurance agent that I spoke with, during my four hour online and phone search, suggested that I look into state aid...a.k.a Medicaid.

Now, I have NO problem with people getting on "Hoosier Healthwise" if they TRULY need it. I wouldn't say Aaron and I fall into that catagory at all, but apparently, our only two options are to either pay for the entire pregnancy, delivery, and hospital stay out-of-pocket (totalling over $4000), or to get on Medicaid (completely free). Call it pride, call it snobby, call it what you will, but I was NOT raised to take advantage of government assistance...and I feel that's what we'd be doing especially under the circumstances in which we live.

It just SHOCKED me to learn that we LITERALLY have NO other options than the two mentioned above. It's sad that two people who WANT to do the "right" thing cannot do so while being insured by any other "company" other than the government. It's a sad and frustrating day in our house!!!

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