Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Remember when you were a kid and you would be bored two days into summer vacation? You were SOOOO excited for summer to come and you just couldn't WAIT for the break...but then when it came down to it, you sat there with your siblings and thought "well, what are we gonna do now?!" I remember my mom saying "If you're bored I can find something for you to do!" Ugh! In my adult life, I'm experiencing the same "bored" feelings.
The kids left Sunday for MN for a week-long visit with their Dad. I was SUPER excited for the break and REALLY excited for the kids! I thought of all the stuff I could get done with the kids away for the week. I thought about the tan I'd work on, the cleaning I'd get done, the dinners I'd make for myself, etc...yyyyyeah none of that stuff has happened! Ha! It's the second full day of the kids' vacation and I'm bored out of my mind! I can't figure out what's more pathetic--- the fact that my two toddlers provide my source of entertainment or that I'm not enjoying my alone time!
Not only have I NOT made dinner for myself, but I've ordered carryout twice now! So in addition to my unhealthy eating habits, I have also put a significant dent in my monthly food budget! Whoops! I haven't tanned at all yet because by the time I get off work I think about how awesome it would be to go home and do NOTHING...which turns into me laying on the couch for about thirty minutes, watching the latest episode of Judge Judy, and then caving in to my cravings for take-out Chinese or B'dubs! Again, WHOOPS! The sheets from the kids' beds are still laying in the hallway in front of the washing machine. I really did have high hopes for my week...but I've just failed miserably.
In all seriousness, I miss my kids like crazy. I can't believe I thought I'd be okay for a whole week without them! LOL! They are the best thing in my life. Truly. Not seeing their little faces everyday makes my heart hurt. I CANNOT WAIT to see them Saturday!
*Here's to hoping that feeling lasts through Sunday! LOL!*

1 comment:

jw said...

I had almost the same thing happen a while back. I sent H and the kids to Gville for a few days so I could write. I was all excited about it leading up to it, thinking of the solitude, the songs I'd write the think-time I'd have, maybe take in a "guy movie"... and then 20 minutes after they left I sat in an uncharacteristically quiet house and said, "Well, this sucks!"

I didn't get anything done that weekend (save the "guy movie")!
