At what age do children learn that holidays are a time of truce? There is no fighting on holidays. Did my mini-turkeys just miss this memo or what?! I woke up to Lilly screaming, "I need a Kleenex." Followed by Anderson screaming, "I'm hungry!" Really? 6:15am. A short time later, our normal morning routine began, including the typical bickering between the two tykes. UUUUGH! Then, the chaotic bantering about the holiday began:
Lilly: Mom, it's Valentime's day right?
Anderson: It's not Valentine's, it's Thanskgiving.
Lilly: Nu uh!
Anderson: Uh huh!
Lilly: NO!
Anderson: YES!
Me: REALLY?!!!!!!! You guys! It's THANSKGIVING! You can't fight on Thanksgiving!
They both went back to their ridiculous argument. I feel like my ears will literally fall off from all the chaos the two of them produce from bickering with each other.